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213 Best Health Research Topics For Thesis Writing

health research topics

Are you stuck with your university health assignment because getting a good topic is challenging? We know it can be tough, but there is no need to worry because we are here to help. In this post, we have compiled a comprehensive list of some of the best health research paper topics for top grades. So, whether you are looking for top-rated nursing topics, public health topics, or mental health argumentative essay topics, check them out to identify the best option for your work.

Interesting Health Topics to Research

If you want to enjoy doing your assignments in health, it is advisable to always go with interesting topics. So, here are some of the best health topics for research paper for you assignment.

  1. The history of health: Comparing what was considered healthy in ancient times? How does it compare? What is considered healthy today?
  2. Does the media in the 21st century encourage child abuse?
  3. Beauty standards in the society: How do they impact people’s health?
  4. When is body building considered healthy?
  5. Can bullying in school impact a student’s achievements especially in the early years of development?
  6. Comparing healthy lifestyles of the 20th century and 21st
  7. What ancient health practices are still important today?
  8. How do speech disorders affect the development of a child?
  9. What is the difference between mental disorders and mood disorders?
  10. COVID-19 vaccination: What is driving the fear in people about it?
  11. A closer look at the most dangerous diseases in the 21st
  12. Plastic surgery for beauty: Is it healthy? Should be it be encouraged?
  13. What role do therapists play in the treatment of the mental disorder?
  14. Sleep deprivation: A closer look at its implications on memory.
  15. What are the effectiveness of programs used to manage stress in cancer patients?
  16. A closer look at alternative medication: Does it work?
  17. Inmate rehabilitation programs in the US: Are they effective?
  18. What are the main causes of cancer in the US?
  19. How long can a human being live when provided with the best care?
  20. Cannabis legalization in the US: Analyzing the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018.
  21. The effectiveness of medical cannabis use in managing different conditions.
  22. Comparing the pros and cons of cannabis legalization in the US.
  23. Post-traumatic stress disorder among adults in the US: What are the main causes?
  24. Comparing the public and private health facilities in the UK.
  25. Using physical exercises in maintaining the right body posture.
  26. Seizures in Young Adolescents: What are the main causes?
  1. Analyzing the main side effects of Blood Transfusion

Easy Health Related Topics for Research Paper

The following easy health research topics will make you develop better attachment to your work, enjoy more, and rake impressive grades.

  1. Genetic engineering: Should the government pass legislation to allow it?
  2. A closer look at instances when medical research can pose threat to people.
  3. Should we replace doctors with computers?
  4. Medical research: Are we doing enough to motivate medical professionals?
  5. The impact of COVID-19 on the homeless in the US.
  6. Comparing the impact of COVID-19 in children and adults in the US.
  7. Comparing mortality rates of medical professionals in the US and China: What should have been done differently?
  8. Providing spiritual care: Does it make any logic?
  9. The most effective methods of addressing stress for nursing professionals.
  10. Psychological approaches to help people conform to healthy diets in their lives.
  11. Childhood obesity and parental negligence: Are they related?
  12. Does violent music have any implications on young children?
  13. Social media and relationships: Does it build or break relationships?
  14. Imagining the world without social media.
  15. Analyzing how social media has transformed psychological education in college.
  16. Analyzing the main types of depression.
  17. Autism in early stages: How can it be diagnosed and treated?
  18. Addressing depression in students: What role can the teacher play?
  19. Depression in the society: Is it impossible to solve?
  20. Analyzing the common signs that indicate a person is suffering from depression.
  21. A closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of being autistic.
  22. Evaluating the education programs used for treating autistic persons.
  23. What is the relationship between autism and environmental pressure?
  24. Financial instability can easily cause depression: Discuss.

Women’s Health Research Paper Topics

If you want to stand out with your papers on women health, here are some excellent healthcare research paper topics to consider for your work.

  1. The impact of using high-heel shoes on women heath.
  2. A closer look at the main rules for pregnant women with obesities.
  3. A closer look at the main causes of gestational weight gain.
  4. Analyzing the role of women in promoting better family health.
  5. Endometriosis: Is it related to genetics?
  6. Infertility in women: What are the main causes?
  7. Using advanced technologies to address the problem of infertility in the UK.
  8. Bonding with a baby before birth.
  9. The implications of new technology on teens’ health.
  10. Comparing teen pregnancy rates in New York to California.
  11. Comparing homebirth with hospital birth.
  12. Ethical Issues of Surrogate Pregnancy.
  13. What are the main symptoms of heart attack in women?
  14. Comparing the rates of PTSD in women and men in the state of New York.
  15. Is it possible to cure HIV/AIDS?
  16. Causes of miscarriage in pregnant women during the first trimester.
  17. Episiotomy: What are the pros and cons?
  18. Do pregnant women require special care: Justify.
  19. What are the main issues associated with puberty?
  20. Exploring the ethics of mandatory HIV testing for pregnant mothers.
  21. The impact of poverty on children and women.
  22. Comparing normal delivery to CS delivery.
  23. What are the five main challenges facing women after menopause?

Interesting Health Project Topics for Your Paper

Doing a project can be pretty tough, but you will find the paper very enjoyable to prepare by selecting the right topics. Here are some impressive health topics to write about.

  1. What are the causes of the growing surge in diabetes in the UK?
  2. What is the health risk of terminating pregnancy?
  3. Anorexia Nervosa: What is the effectiveness of the main treatment options?
  4. Comparing maternal practices and effectiveness in urban and rural areas.
  5. A closer look at contemporary neonatal practices.
  6. The use of pet therapy in kids with autism: Is it effective?
  7. Self-instruction kits: Are they Effective?
  8. Can a kid’s habits be used as a signal for autism?
  9. Health insurance: Should it be used to cover infertility technologies?
  10. Genetic diseases: What are the best strategies to solve them?
  11. Funding medical research: Should more money be directed to genetic engineering?
  12. Comparing the pros and cons of telemedicine.
  13. Ethics and legal aspects in pediatric care.
  14. A closer look at the psychological issues of breast cancer.
  15. Virtual reality application in medicine: What are the main benefits?
  16. Ethics of surrogacy: Should a woman carry another woman’s child?
  17. Informatics approach to developing sustainable health systems: A closer look at Canada.
  18. Evidence-based public health informatics: Exploring the pros and cons.
  19. Using animal tissues on human beings: Is it a good idea?
  20. What is the future of public health informatics?
  21. Antibiotics resistance in small kids: What are the main causes?
  22. Using GMO to fight hunger: Is it a good idea?
  23. Preventing teenage pregnancies: What are the best strategies?
  24. The main health challenges facing teenagers today.
  25. Human rights issues and their impact on public health.
  26. Healthy housing standards in the UK.
  27. Opioid Crisis: Are the doctors to blame?
  28. Are people too much dependent on antibiotics?
  29. Common mental disorders in the US.
  30. Comparing the rates of top three mental disorders in London and Manchester.

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

The following health related research topics can help you to dig deeper into mental issues and get top grades.

  1. Psychological relaxation: Why is it so important to a person’s health?
  2. What are the best treatment options for people with dementia?
  3. Alzheimer’s disease: What are the main causes and treatment remedies?
  4. What strategies can be used to reduce the problem of postpartum depression?
  5. Analyzing the main stages of coping with grief.
  6. Women empowerment as a method of reducing teenage pregnancies.
  7. Physical illness and depression: How are they connected?
  8. Phobias: How do they impact people’s personalities?
  9. Modern feminism and women health.
  10. Multiple personality disorders: What are the main causes?
  11. Hate crimes: What are their implications on the community?
  12. Terrorism: What are the implications on a child’s psychology?
  13. Teenage suicide: Analyzing the causes and solutions.
  14. Tolerance in the family and community: Demonstrating how it can help to improve mental health.
  15. Dreaming is a healthy exercise for your body: Discuss.
  16. Comparing literature on men and women dreams.
  17. How do dreams impact people’s decisions.
  18. Dreams and soul: How are they connected?
  19. How do adolescents’ dreams differ from those of adults?
  20. Transforming dreams into reality: Is it a good idea? Is it possible?
  21. What are the best strategies for handling pressure by team members in sports?
  22. A closer look at the main challenges faced by new team leaders in organizations.
  23. Offender treatment programs: Are they effective?
  24. Comparing teenage suicide rates of the 20th and 21st
  25. Law and psychology: Are they related?
  26. Psychology in the military: Why is it so important?
  27. Applied behavioral analysis: What is it?
  28. The implications of domestic abuse on children performance in school.
  29. Is it possible to control panic pain using psychology?
  30. What is the best strategy to treat agoraphobia?
  31. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders in children: What are the main causes?
  32. A closer look at the symptoms that show a child is suffering from ADHD.
  33. Analyzing the main causes of ADHD in adults.
  34. Comparing ADHD rates in the US and UK.
  35. Is it possible to treat ADHD?

Health and Fitness Topics

Health and fitness papers can be pretty interesting to work on. So, health related topics for research paper in the fitness field. Go ahead and pick the one you consider most interesting:

  1. Advantages of good behaviors in sports and competition.
  2. Coaches in sports play physical and psychological roles: Discuss.
  3. Drinking enough water: Demonstrate why it is so important.
  4. Proper ergonomics: Why is it so crucial in preventing muscle strain?
  5. Tai chi: Is it a good method of reducing stress and depression?
  6. At what point should one consider seeking the help of a sports trainer?
  7. The impact of Yoga in Physical fitness.
  8. What is the role of fitness in maintaining healthy weight?
  9. Regular exercises: How does it impact the nervous system?
  10. Tracking personal fitness levels: Why is it so important?
  11. Exploring the main principles of fitness training.
  12. Multi-stage fitness test: How does it work?
  13. What are the best strategies for optimizing cardiovascular fitness?
  14. Common diet mistakes that you should avoid for mental and physical health.
  15. Analyzing how human muscles adapt to different stress levels.
  16. Diet and physical fitness: How are they related?
  17. A closer look at the main activities that take place before and after a rigorous training session.
  18. Physical fitness: How does it impact the performance of an athlete?
  19. Fitness training: Can it be used to control diabetes and obesity?
  20. Physical fitness: How does it impact the cognitive development of a child?
  21. Analyzing the health benefits of taking whole-grain diets for preventing heart-related problems.
  22. What is the effectiveness of outdoor physical activities in preventing heart diseases?
  23. Physical activities and aggressive behavior in teenagers: Are they related?
  24. A closer look at movement patterns related with higher risks of injury.
  25. Alcohol consumption and its impacts on bone development.

Controversial Health Topics for Research Paper

Medical controversies that have happened in history provide you with an opportunity to explore them and even get answers to some of them. The following are some of the best medical controversies topics that you can consider for your paper.

  1. The cost of healthcare in the US: Is it justified?
  2. Health care for the homeless: Should the government provide free services for them?
  3. Should unconventional medicine be incorporated into the national healthcare system?
  4. Is there a link between people’s heath and poverty?
  5. Using animals for research: Exploring the pros and cons.
  6. Should the government provide healthcare for people who are uninsured?
  7. Promoting medical products of a specific company: Should doctors be allowed?
  8. Womb transplantation: Is it a good alternative for replacing surrogacy?
  9. Vaccinations: Should they be made mandatory?
  10. Should all doctors be mandated to report cases of organ trafficking?
  11. Marijuana legalization: Is it a good idea?
  12. The implications of TV shows on people’s diets.
  13. Should all TV shows promoting drinking and smoking be banned?
  14. Obesity problem: Should it be considered a personal or public issue?
  15. Exercising: Are there instances when it can worsen a person’s health?
  16. Placing elderly people in elderly centers: Should the elderly or their children make the big decision?
  17. Pill controls for teens: Is it a good idea?
  18. Should we limit the treatment of people with medical issues to facilities in their communities?
  19. Should we pass legislation to regulate the use of social media to prevent the negative impact on people’s health?
  20. Forest communities in the Amazon: Should the government be concerned about their health?
  21. Learning from disasters: What are the impacts of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings of 1945?
  22. The dangers of using atomic bombs to the public health: Should we ban the development of atomic bombs?
  23. Space medicine: Is it a worthy undertaking?
  24. Anticipating the next disaster: What should WHO do to make controlling of the next pandemic after COVID-19 easy?
  25. Understanding the process of preparing pandemic during pandemics: Strategies for making the process shorter and more effective.

Awesome Public Health Research Topic Suggestions

If you are studying public health, it is a great idea to pick good ideas to help you not only rake good topics, but also learn more about the subject. Here are some great public health topics for research paper to consider.

  1. Diabetes in children: What are the main causes?
  2. Comparing measles resurgence in the developing countries in the 20th
  3. National drug problem: What are the main causes?
  4. Using social media to enhance public health.
  5. Bioterrorism: Comparing the US’s preparedness before and after the 9/11 attack.
  6. HIV/AIDS prevention: Is it the best way to address the pandemic.
  7. COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing the response of the developed and developing counties.
  8. Oil spills in the sea: Analyzing the possible health implications on public health.
  9. Smoking in teenagers: What risks does it pose to their adult lives?
  10. Maternal mortality rates in numbers: Comparing the rates in the US and a developing country of choice.
  11. Public health risks associated with lack of clean water and sanitation in developing counties.
  12. Analyzing the efforts of the UK administration to help prevent cognitive decline in adults.
  13. Comparing the cost of health care in the US and South America.
  14. Should all hospitals in the UK be required to have translators for non-English speakers?
  15. Parental care for children: Should doctors be legally allowed to provide medical care to minors irrespective of the parent’s wishes.
  16. Fast food chains and obesity: Should the State regulate the foods sold in these enterprises?
  17. Should teenagers be allowed to access birth control pills on demand?
  18. At what age should sex education be started in a student’s life?
  19. Evaluating the effectiveness of quarantine in preventing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.
  20. Using student nurses to help control health pandemics: Is it a good idea?
  21. Analyzing the effectiveness of global coordination in fighting COVID-19 pandemic?
  22. A closer look at WHO: How effectively did it handle COVID-19 outbreak?
  23. Is the world prepared for global health pandemic? A closer look at Ebola and COVID-19 pandemics.
  24. COVID-19 pandemic mystery: Exploring the different theories about the causes.

Seek Research Paper Writing Help

Once you have picked the best ideas for your work, be they on mental health, nursing, women health or health informatics research paper topics, it signals the start of your writing journey. At this point, you need good research and writing skills to craft a good paper. However, you should not give up on getting the best grade. The best idea is seeking expert research paper writing help.

Our online writing service is offered by research helpers who know how to write the best papers and guarantee you the best grades no matter the topic of choice. From definition to health argument topics, no task is too tough for our writers. Our services are also cheap and we can handle even the papers with tight deadlines. See – no need for stress at all!

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