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Top 50 Economic Topics For Your Research Paper Or Thesis

economic topics

Choosing the best economics research topics is a major challenge for most learners pursuing economics studies. Economics entails the study of how humans use scarce resources in the production of valuables. Learners pursuing economics programs analyze how valuables are eventually distributed among society members after production.

Before learners are given economics research paper assignments, they are taught many elements that affect the economy. This enables them to understand real-life economies, as well as, daily expenditures and expenses. Such elements include medicine, politics, race, trade, unemployment, poverty, religion, and war among others.

As such, economics research topics for undergraduates should show their understanding of these issues and how they affect the economy. But, many learners have difficulties understanding different aspects of economics research. This makes choosing topics for their papers and essays difficult.

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Tricks for Choosing the Best Economics Research Topics

Choosing research paper topics in economics is undoubtedly not easy for most students. That’s because a learner should choose a narrow topic so that they can delve deeper in analyzing and discussing it in their paper. But, if the topic is too narrow, it can be limiting. And, if it is too broad, the learner might not cover it exhaustively.

However, learners can still select the best economics research paper topics by following these guidelines:

  • Understand the subject matter and figure out whether the topic’s context is within your study field and writing ability.
  • Select a topic that you find interesting and suitable for your understanding.
  • Evaluate the scope of the topic to ensure that you can find the necessary information to write a comprehensive paper or essay about it.
  • Consider the instructions provided by the instructor or professor in terms of topic selection

Before you start the actual writing of a paper or essay, brainstorm for ideas around several topics. That means you can have an economics research topics list from which to choose what to write about. Topics in this study field can be classified into different categories as follows.

Undergraduates Economics Topics for Research

Many students panic when asked to write undergraduate papers and essays. That’s because they don’t know how to choose the best economics topics for research paper. If you’re among students that are troubled by the thought of choosing a topic, here are examples presetned by our academic writers that you can choose from.

  1. What you should know about fiscal policy
  2. Describe the three opportunity costs
  3. How do banks set the exchange rate?
  4. How can profit maximization be achieved?
  5. Explain the major ethical rules in an economy
  6. How to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on your preferred action
  7. Explain why some resources are rare
  8. What does economic forecasting entail?
  9. Discuss the pros and cons of privatization
  10. How are the economies of both sides of a conflict affected by war?

These are great topics for economics research paper for undergraduate students. However, they still require in-depth research to come up with a coherent and comprehensive document.

Health Economics Research Topics

The health of citizens influences the economy of a country, though this might be unclear to some learners at first. Health research topics for economics lead to the production of papers and essays that are quite interesting to read. Here are sample topics in this category. You can also check our nursing research topics.

  1. How is the economy affected by a smoking ban?
  2. Is the world hunger affected by economics?
  3. How does perfect competition work in the pharmaceuticals world?
  4. How is free healthcare justified in the U.S?
  5. How do chronic diseases affect the workforce and the economy?
  6. Is health insurance important?
  7. How an unhealthy country translates into a poor country
  8. How can public hospitals optimize their revenue collection?
  9. How does an infectious disease outbreak affect the economy?
  10. The economics of the pharmaceutical industry

Interesting Behavioral Economics Research Topics

Some learners might not know about it but behavioral economics exists. And, some topics in this category are quite interesting to write about. Here are examples of topics that students in different study levels can write about in this category.

  1. Does money make most people happy?
  2. Why financial wellbeing makes most people happy
  3. What does the economy of trust mean?
  4. How can Uber be described as an aspect of the economy of trust?
  5. How does the brain change when a person is striking a great deal?
  6. Useful human insights that are missing in big data and how this affects the economy
  7. Per household economic analysis explained
  8. The buying capacity and gender
  9. How race relates to economic power
  10. Impact of economic stability on the social life of a person

Microeconomics Topics

Microeconomics studies revolve around trade between people. It’s trading at an individual level. This covers the basics of demand and supply. This is the category where some learners find simple research topics in economics. Here are examples of topics in this category.

  1. Understanding the competition and market concepts
  2. Inflation sources and consequences explained
  3. Explaining how competition influences the price
  4. Explaining the balance between supply and demand in microeconomics
  5. Opportunity costs explained from a microeconomics perspective
  6. Explaining production costs and profit
  7. How a stock market operates
  8. Perfect competition in microeconomics
  9. How unemployment affects microeconomics
  10. Aggregate demand and supply in microeconomics

Cool Environmental Economics Research Topics

The environment has more effects on an economy more than most people think. Ocean pollution can global warming are some of the environmental changes that affect the economy seriously. Here are some of the economics research topics for students to explore in this category.

  1. Cost-benefit analysis of the regulation of the environment
  2. Why it’s important to analyze the economics of clean drinking water
  3. Evolution of economics institution concerning climate change
  4. How greenhouses affect economic growth
  5. How global warming affects economic growth
  6. Detailed analysis of the European Union Emission Trading System
  7. Is waste management a rare resource?
  8. How technological advancement leads to economic growth
  9. Explain the energy markets’ economic potential
  10. How wildlife protection affects the economy

Students at different study levels have many research topics in economics to choose from. However, the research topic in economics that a learner chooses should be suitable for them based on their interests and academic goals. That’s because some topics are cumbersome to write about. They also require extensive knowledge and familiarity with different economic concepts to come up with a comprehensive document. Thus, they are ideal for students that are pursuing advanced studies. Nevertheless, every topic highlighted here requires in-depth economics research to come up with a concrete paper or essay.

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